Unknown Mission – need help

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    Hey there!

    Sadly, I encountered an unknown (at least I could not find any tips related to this) after finishing the first Marauder’s quest in Act 1. In stead of stealing Gunstar codes (I think it is mission #6), I am meeting up with the Stepsons and sent with 4 sidekick Tug spaceships to destroy the Marauders’ Base, where 4 or 5 Marauder Corvette is guarding a space station (with many cannons) and a Gunstar.

    I don’t know what to do here and now, My Tug is not that well equiped, neither my Turret Fighters, so, generally I suck. One more thing: when I approach the Marauders (around 30-40 km) Clay tells me to have a look around. There are some cargo pods floating a bit aside, but I cannot get them, because Jaf won’t come (enemies at close range), also they are in the Gunstar’s range. Sometimes I recieve an SOS call too, but I haven’t checked them so far, since my Stepson sidekicks will leave me then shortly.

    What should I do? Should I capture more equipment for my ship or is this shady mission solvable with the Tug? Is there any trick here? I managed to clear the are from Corvettes easily, but I can’t do a thing with the two firing space objects.

    The best weapon layout I could muster so far: Quad Light PBCs, Seeker, Disruptor, LDSi Missiles, also Hammer, Gnat, Harrower. My turrets are on Standard Layout (1.: Heavy PBC & Seeker, 2.: Rapid PBC & Seeker)

    Thanks a lot!

    The Immortal Olden

    The Immortal Olden

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