I have been stuck on the Wolf’s Lair mission forever it seems; here’s the problem:
I have no trouble space tracking some marauders through to the Daien II (sp?) LP, i jump through to the LP, then fly over to the junk pile and wait for a frieghter to come through. When the frieghter comes through it just stops and nothing happens. I can formate with the frighter; nothing happens, i can formate with the marauder corvettes; nothing happens, i can go back and formate with the frieghter and nothing happens. the whole time the frieghter just sits there. sometimes i can get the corvettes to attack, i kill them all then formate with the frieghter but then nothing ever happens. i tried shooting the frieghter, it drops its cargo, then makes an LDS jump to Hablich Police station where it proply gets blown to bits by the cops. after all that i can even go back the Daien II LP where a second frieghter comes through and subsequently sits there and does nothing…..AAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!
I discovered this problem after i had completed all other outstanding objectives; my objectives screen lists Wolf’s Lair as the only mission left to accomplish. I also tried a mission several saved games before to the point where this mission first shows up in the objectives list but the freighter still just sits there.
I have seen one other post where someone asks how to solve this problem but no one ever responded to it. there must be something i am doing differently then everybody else, does anybody have any suggestions????
any help is appreciated,
Nope, just b.