Switching cockpits mid flight (EricMan64)

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    We’ve got a ship with turrets on it in the Starwars mod (Falcon) and the player can switch from the pilots seat to the turret per a key. As the player switches to the turret his guns are activated and he can blast away, while the autopilot takes over the helm of his ship.
    It works based on Ericmans idea (in cool pog tricks above).

    Since MP is very sensitive about switching ships mid game, I opted not to switch out the ship (as in Ericmans example) but created the “cockpit_ship” sim and attached it to the crew null position, at the moment F1 is pressed. (F1 is normally the view with hud and w/o cockpit). i.e the new cockpit is more or less placed on top of the existing cockpit, and then removed again as the player switches back to the pilots seat.
    Since the Falcon sports 2 turrets an upper and lower it is also possible to use a different cockpit for each turret.

    It works great and reliably. Thanks to EricMan64 for the idea!

    Now the 64 million $ question: Does anyone have an idea, how to turn off the hud reticule (the big green circle) temporarily??

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