I’m slowly learning to do some graphics stuff too. 😀
But it sure takes up a lot of time [xx(]
I’m trying to make some new backgrounds and “movies” for the GUI and as they say practice makes perfect (so I’m still practicing).
To give you an idea what I’m trying to do, some shots to look at below. If anyone has some great shots that we can use or wants to help on this kind of graphic work please feel free to speak up.
The main GUI movie (instead of CAL twirling in the background)
(you just have to imagine the Star Wars Theme music playing)
The ingame GUI where you select your team (Here the Botmatch game) looks like this
Edit: We need 3 different “movies” for the main GUI and 4 or 5 images for the ingame team selection GUIs.
Btw: as I mentioned before, the Gui Score screen causes some problems when it is called up during a MP game. Here is the new version thats displayed directly on the hud. Note: To reduce data transfer loads on the server, the bots individual scores aren’t shown but the team points they get are counted in the totals.
(sorry the pics are so tiny)
The new ingame scores Screen looks like this
Or like this
The numbers next to the team names are Points and Frags. (I’ve just got to add that into the string now that all is properly counted and displayed.
Iwar2 Multiplayer Fan Site
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