I’ll post here. The Moderator can move this post somewhere else if desired.
After a year’s absence from EoC and the forums, what is new? Could someone post the I-War news that transpired over my absence?
The last I know is that ATARI bought out I-War and there’s no plans for an I-War 2 sequel (PC, that is). The development team went their separate ways. And I saw on the ATARI forum that a developer made some paper models.
Are there any plans to make a CGI movie of I-War (like “Final Fantasy” or “Starship Troopers CGI” or “Appleseed.” That’ll ROCK :D!!! I-War has some of the best CGI cutscenes I ever saw!).
Are there any plans to make model kits of the ships?
Are there any plans for the development team to get back together and start an I-War 3?
Any plans for tech-spec books like Star Trek?
What are the best EoC mods and the advantages/disadvantages of each?
How does ATARI/Particle Systems rate the success of I-War? If successful, what is the main reason a sequel isn’t being made?
Thanks for any help in getting me back into the pilot’s seat. Good thing I didn’t sell my I-Wars! 😀