Could someone give me clear instructions on how download MultiMod. And also, could someone give me clear instructions on how to download the mods, UniGui V2a, UniGUI Future Trader V2a, and UniGUI Station Assult V1.0a ? I do not know how or where to download this, nor do I know where to do this…example beblow’
display_name = “My Mod”
start_new_game =
start_session =
end_session =
enter_base = iMyMod.BaseStuff
exit_base =
enter_space = iMyMod.Initialise
final_setup =
exit_space =
enter_system =
exit_system = [/b] Where is that?(the example in red bold)Scince I do not how to do MultiMod downloads at all, I would really be greatful if some one helped. Thanks.
Death to Mass and Marauders!!!
Death to Maas and Marauders!!! Anyone mess with me, then you’re asking to die!