Ideas are needed for slang in the Middle States. There are many different cultures to draw upon, from western to middle east to far east. So mix and match. You can take directly from current usage, or, for the linguistically gifted, derive some new and cool terms that the world has not seen. A good example of an invented term is “pods” which comes from “cargo pods” by shortening.
The main slangy speech is “Trade” or “Thug” as the more refined types might call it. But these slang words would be pretty common in the pidgen speech that has evolved for trade among the different cultures of the middle states. These are the terms your crew would typically use.
We need a bunch of new terms in Trade:
Police Patrol
Navy Fleet
Navy Ship
Navy Destroyer/Cruiser
Customs patrol (charges toll at border lpoints)
Mega-corp Security Ship
Mega-corp freighter/administrator
Gang of pirate ships
Pirate extortion fleet (pirate toll)
Mining site
Refining Station
Manufacturing Station
Habitat Station
Police Base
Pirate Base (armed, well defended)
Pirate Shipyard (repair ship, some defenders)
Pirate Raiding outpost (supply drop, full of hostile thug types)
Easy Jump
Difficult Jump
Jump that you totally botched (back at start point, damaged)
Jump that your partly botched (at destination, damaged)
Lost a wingman to combat
Critical systems failure
Opponent destroyed
Opponent suffers systems failure
You are hit by LDSI missile
Hostile ship spotted (need a bunch of these)
Cargo pod
Stolen cargo pod
Cargo fence who takes stolen cargo
Black market seller who sells stolen ship equipment
Victim of piracy
Victim of extortion (pirate toll takes your cargo)
Ok, dig up those fancy web translators, apply some creativity and post! The more unique this stuff is, the more the Middle States will begin to feel like a whole new creation, that no one has ever visited.