Hiya… I’m very strongly considering buying Independence War II…
But one thing will make or break my decision…
I want a specific control scheme. I don’t care if I have to hack or do a bunch of stuff to get it, but I want one PARTICULAR control scheme….
s–slow, reverse
d–strafe to the right
a–strafe to the left
space–strafe up
shift–strafe down
tab–afterburner, or something close to it
j–engage ldsi
backspace–set speed to 0
mouse1–fire primary
mouse2–fire alternate
mousescroll–change primary weapons
and I want full mouselook
now…. with any patches, hacks, anything, is this basic control scheme possible? I found the controls in the demo to be a VERY big problem for me… and I know that this control scheme works for space combat, i refined it from what I like with FPS and what I like from wing commander, and I found myself wishing I could use it in the Iwar2 demo…. hell, I used it great in descent 3, and had loads of fun…
So, is this doable? If so, how?