CUV Bot code implimentation

Home Forums Mods and POG Scripting CUV Bot code implimentation

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  • #13748

    Is this OK?
    a) The Cuv bot will not be summoned if there is a CUV player on your team. Instead, a team-only message will be generated, automatically, to notify your CUV teammate that you need service. (This is meant as a convience, because you can use the same key to call for help in any situation.)

    b) the code limits the usage of Cuv bots and you cannot call one if there are more than 6 players in the game.
    This is where I’m really indecisive.
    The idea behind this is twofold:

    a) a CUV bot never runs out of ammo, it can always load you 100% because it ‘virtually’ goes back to base after each repair. That could be construed as unfair if one team has a player CUV (who has to return to base after 5 reloads) and the others use Cuv bots? On the other hand the cuv bot can not deploy gunstars.

    b) If there are more than 3 players per team you should have allocated one of them to the CUV roll anyhow! This seems to dictative and forces a specific game play strategy on the players?

    Not having a limitation could however totally unsurp the reason to have/use player CUVs at all?

    Cuv bots and Player CUVs have the same repair function:

    Repair of a ship is dynamic, depending on the no. of times the player has docked to a CUV. (thats reset if the player docks at base)

    Any other options, or adjustments you can think of?

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