Hello all, I quit playing this game for bout 5 months or so. Due to being real busy RL and my wingman broke, so I 1st needed to make time to buy a new one 
I now started playing again. Still great fun. Except I read all bout the magic cutting beam and mining laser. I’m in my Patcom with 4 gatlings and 2 quads. plus some 1 quad launcher and 1 try launcher. Plus both auto turrets.
I use the 2 quads for simple independant piracy (close up on a freaighter with up to 4 ships (tug/interceptor) protection, blast 2 of the pretection being realclose. blast the other 2 right after next is freighter 1 or 2.
My question is: should I get a CB instead of gats?? plus what tactics should I use with those??
P.s. what are firecon sensors good for I can’t seem to find a use for them
Sometimes I think…usually I don’t
Sometimes I think…usually I don’t