I wouldn’t worry about copying Josh Parnell. He’s a whoppin’ nice guy who will completely understand, especially since LT itself is heavily based on the game Freelancer. Josh said somewhere that the game is basically Freelancer 2 in everything except name.
Also, no, I can’t sell my I-War2 remake. That would almost certainly be plagiarism. I’m going to be selling other games though, such as the Pinball game slated for completion in October. The thing is, I still am working on my own “inspired by I-War2” game, and am also making a small space game for a contest. I can recycle code and assets across these projects. The contest game is due by the end of the month, so it’s a good place to whack up a basic flight and combat model. The I-War2 remake would truly be simple to make after that. It would mostly consist in just migrating the vast majority of I-War2 to Unity. Then, with an artillery battery of space game code and assets under my belt, I can make my own, main space game.
At least, that’s the plan. The Pinball game will kinda edge out the two non-contest items, but I think I can get a I-War2 Instant Action running in Unity by the end of summer. Even if it’s got all of one ship type, I still think I can do it.
P.S. I think we are different kinds of lazy. 😆
I-War 2 Discord: https://discord.gg/RWaabWB
Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. 🙂