Problem with Act 2 – Mission 22 – Wolf’s Lair

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    Hi there, I have problem with Act 2 – Mission 22 – Wolf’s Lair. I get the Diane II L-Point, I go there, 4 ships will arive, then the trasporter, but when I get to it, it just keeps still forever. I tried shoot it, shoot other ships, reveal myself, but then the transported goes only to Police base, where it gets destroyed. I finished a game a few times before and I got passed this one, but I can not now. I wonder, if I have to replay a few missions back or the entire game? I had to cheat over Act 2 – Mission 5 – Blockade Runner by going through l-Point instead of shooting marauders, because every time I finished it, the game got crazy, the menu with resume and so on disapeared or the game froze. Could this be the problem? Please help.

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