fun with .pso

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    (moveing thread here since it’s more on topic).

    Ok, i can extract the vertices and normals and triangle info from the PSO2 format files:

    “PSO ” i still have problems with [V]

    The texture stuff is going to be a problem. I used to play around with povray a lot so i’m fairly happy with the mesh stuff.

    What i know so far:

    The files are IFF format, with an OHDR chunk at the top, this has a version number (?always one), count of the textures referenced in the OHDR chunk, and the number of surfaces.

    Each surface has 3 chunks:

    SHDR (presumable Surface HeaDeR), which starts with things like “RT_ComSecCP#CL(PZ+)” then a lot of stuff i don’t understand, then a (rareish) null terminated string, which appear to be the environment map to use, then 2 ints, the last of which is the surface type:

    0 plain texture less(?) triangle mesh, just the standard vert data

    1 textured surface (?) std. vert + 8 bytes

    2 no idea, std vert + 16 bytes

    3 even less idea, std. vert + 24 bytes


    The vertex data, each vertex starts with , and depending on the surface type may be followed by other stuff


    The triangles, starts with the number of triangles, and then lists the 3 vertices to make the triangles from, “PSO ” format dosn’t list the number of triangles as the 1st entry, i don’t know what the value is.

    Oh, fixed the problem with “PSO ” while posting this.

    If there is hope it lies with the demo scene.
    PSO and FTEX tools:

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