Well, I guess I can’t hide it any more. Someone over at the atari forums has decided that I am, in reality, Derek Smart; or at the very least, “one of his poor little minions” (direct quote). Oh the pain, the pain of it all! Whatever shall I do? How can I go on with my secret experiments on the minds of gamers with clever detectives like him around.
How it happened:
(After a musical chase scene in which I bumbled into an improbable trap that seems to defy physics.)
AR81: “After I realized that the glowing footprints were made with phosphorescent paint, I knew the mysterious ghost captain, Second Chance, was really. . .”
(Pulls of my rubber mask to reveal my identity)
Everyone gasps: . . . Derek Smart!
Me: And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids and that dog!
AR81: Take him away, sheriff.
Someone else: Hey, wait a minute. That’s a mask too! That means the mysterious ghost captain is really. . .
(Pulls off rubber Derek Smart mask to reveal. . .)
Everyone gasps: . . . Who the heck is that guy? He wasn’t even in the show!
Someone else: Hold on!
(Pulls of another rubber mask with nothing underneath)
Someone else: That means that Second Chance really is a. . .
Everyone gasps: . . . a ghost!
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 – Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)
[img]http://members.cox.net/hubner/images/sc_icon150.gif[/img] . [img]http://cartoons.sev.com.au/archives/s119.jpg[/img]