I’m experimenting with some POG code that needs to dock a shuttle vessel to a specific dockport on a mothership. This is pretty straightforward (iAI.GiveDockOrderWithDockport does the job nicely) once I can identify the correct dockport handle on the mothership. Therein lies the problem…
I can retrieve a list of dockport handles that meet given type and and status values, but I don’t know how to relate this back to the dockport entry in the ship’s INI file (I specifically want to dock to the first dockport listed in the INI file.) How can I retrieve just the handle of the dockport I want?
While on the subject, how does the type_flags values given in the dockport subsim INI files relate to the eDockportType enumerators in the scripting language? It’s probably glaringly obvious but I can’t see it.
Any information would be much appreciated.
P.S.: As someone who is only just getting into serious POG scripting, a word of thanks is definitely owing to a few people:
– ericman64 for an excellent mission tutorial;
– Mehrunes for iFleet, which I has proved an excellent source of example code;
– Steve Robertson for making all this possible, and continuing to provide support where needed.
– Everyone else who has contributed to this game.