Idea For A Story Im Writing – Possible Mission

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    ive been thinking of a way to tell a story of what happens to the survivors of the game, after that blow up that accelerator. what happens to them? what resources are they left with? are they in some far reaches of space? (i think no, but i have to play the game again)

    ive been building a story of what happens, and eventually im going to begin writing an epic story (with CHAPTERS!) about it.

    so heres my idea, but first let me ask a few questions.

    1. i assume that the bases like in star trek have some sory of gravity plating keeping the people from bouncing off the walls, what would happen if the gravity plating failed? simple…no gravity = shit goes everywhere.


    2. what kind of emergency fire system do you think they have on the stations? pressurized? (like an extinguisher) or sprinklers that use water? well in my story ive decided to use water.

    so now all i need i something to make the station rock, or shudder.

    the idea was (and first let me thank you for reading this far) to have water slusing around like a boat moving back and forth, so you have small waves n the hallways, in the rooms and everywhere else, then i thought of geting the gravity plating to begin malfunctioning, so the water slushes around, then kinda flies around the room, then when the plating malfunctions the water comes crasking down, some areas ill feel like rain, others like someone just dropped shamu’s tank on you…creating a kick ass visual effect, yet dangerous.

    so what do you think?
    any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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