Hey all. I wanted to say hello and thanks for all of the information you guys have stockpiled here and on the website. I’m glad to see that there are still some people playing this game.
I bought it a LONG time ago and played the first few missions without much luck. I got frustrated and quit playing. After that, the CDs got shoved in a box in the basement…out of sight and out of mind. I recently played the Freelancer demo and thought “Why does this seem so familiar?”. I then remembered this game and started playing it once more, again with little to no success.
That’s when I found this site. It really changed everything. As with most games, the documentation and in-game tutorials are only mildly effective and leave much to be desired. Having all of this information at my fingertips really makes the game much more interesting and enjoyable.
This is my third space sim game, the other two being Freespace and Freespace 2. I have been away from the genre for quite a while playing FPS games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Battlefield 1942, mostly for the online multiplayer aspect. I still play them but their replay value can be weak at times and I find myself getting bored.
All that being said, I look forward to learning a lot from this forum and sharing anything I find along the way (that I don’t already see posted 😉 ). Again, thanks for breathing life into a game I *almost* forgot I had.